All American history buffs know
that the Continental Congress declared independence on July 2, 1776. The signing ceremony of the Declaration
of Independence a couple days later was just a bit of theater for the
All the same, the ceremony on the
4th served some lasting purpose. Thomas Jefferson’s handiwork has some nice
words in it, which still sound pretty good today, and the press-op helped make
them famous. Congress modified his original wording here and there prior to the
vote, and wherever it did the modification was for the worse. Congress hasn’t
changed its habits much in that regard. Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration, for example, blamed slavery
(not really fairly) on King George: “He has waged cruel War against
human Nature itself, violating its most sacred Rights of Life and Liberty in
the Persons of a distant People who never offended him, captivating and
carrying them into Slavery in another Hemisphere, or to incur miserable Death,
in their Transportation thither.” The language indicated an aspiration to end
the practice after victory, and that was precisely the objection to it from key
slaveholders. (Tom himself was a contradiction: he repeatedly decried slavery
and he tried to prevent its expansion into the West; yet, to the end of his
days, he continued to own slaves, not even freeing them in his will as George
Washington, another nominally anti-slavery slaveowner, had done.) Congress decided to fight one war at a time and to leave the fight over slavery for
another day. The paragraph was excised, a decision unfortunate on innumerable
If you trip up anyone on the
question of when Congress declared independence, you probably can trip the same
person by asking who was the first President of the United States . For some reason,
Americans tend to forget completely that the current Constitution is the second one. Under the first, The Articles of Confederation, seven
Presidents, each with a one year term, preceded Washington :
Hanson, Boudinot, Mifflin, Lee, Gorham, St. Clair, and Griffin . The first, John Hanson, was
responsible for commissioning and adopting several enduring symbols, including
the Great Seal of the United States
and the Presidential Seal, both still
in use.
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